Second Quarter Journey

In the second quarter, I learned about tags in HTML and how to use them in general. Of course, now it became possible for me to understand most of the main ones: <html>, <head>, <body>, paragraph tags, heading tags, image tags <img>, link tags, table tags, etc. It facilitated understanding of the basic HTML document structure and functionality; also all these different tags combined construct a web page. It expanded my knowledge about semantic HTML, which is imperative to any product's accessibility. Two main challenges of the second quarter i encounter. There were two key ones for me. First, disaster. Group 1s Flash Drive broke or, as someone says, it gets infested with a virusvariety of activity files lost, source code. Really caused disruption of the course work. Second, individual level myself: I tend to go on very slow typing &coding, which reduces effectiveness. At times, just made impossible to complete what needs to be done, because there was no ...