Second Quarter Journey

In the second quarter, I learned about tags in HTML and how to use them in general. Of course, now it became possible for me to understand most of the main ones: <html>, <head>, <body>, paragraph tags, heading tags, image tags <img>, link tags, table tags, etc. It facilitated understanding of the basic HTML document structure and functionality; also all these different tags combined construct a web page. It expanded my knowledge about semantic HTML, which is imperative to any product's accessibility.

Two main challenges of the second quarter i encounter. There were two key ones for me. First, disaster. Group 1s Flash Drive broke or, as someone says, it gets infested with a virusvariety of activity files lost, source code. Really caused disruption of the course work. Second, individual level myself: I tend to go on very slow typing &coding, which reduces effectiveness. At times, just made impossible to complete what needs to be done, because there was no extra time left.

For the flash drive, Group 1 and I rebuilt our projects from Data D, but not all activities were recovered. Some of the files were lost from the flash drive, so some activities had to be repeated. I really emphasized the importance of regular data backups; it seems that the files were still saved in Data D, although they were also saved on the flash drive. I also spent some time practicing typing drills, using many online tools to enhance keyboarding skills. I also tried to prioritize tasks and to divide bigger projects into steps in order to improve efficiency.

I will further practice the advanced concepts of HTML. And I will ensure that, in doing so, my typing continues to improve hence my coding efficacy. If I am to avoid repeating such losses of data, it would be important that, in future, I and possibly others should practice the workflow of data management best practices. I will always look for tips on efficient time and task management.



  1. Keep it up. I hope that you will improve your coding skills at the end of the school year.

  2. Such an inspiring journey in ICT! From learning new skills to embracing innovation, it's amazing to see how technology is shaping the future.

  3. What a great journey in ICT for second quarter. Keep it up until the end of the quarter!

  4. What a great experience! Good to know that you've enjoyed and gain new knowledge and experience in the second quarter, learning is kind of tiring but continue to grow, improve and explore more while learning!

  5. You handled the challenges of the broken flash drive and slow typing well by rebuilding projects and improving your skills. Your focus on data backups, time management, and typing practice will definitely boost your efficiency. Keep it up!

  6. Thanks for sharing! It's great to see how you learned HTML and overcame challenges like the flash drive issue and slow typing. Just be reminded that your sacrifices will definitely pay off in the future.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good to know that you've learned a lot this quarter, keep it up par^⁠_⁠^


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