My Year of Self-Improvement

This year, my " New Year, New Me " is a complete shift in priorities. I am tired of letting shyness deny me opportunities, and poor time management has been a constant challenge in my academic progress. This is the year where everything is supposed to change for me, and I will continue working on not being shy anymore and working on getting better study habits and taking more calculated risks to reap rewards. I will going to stop helping those people who take advantage of my good nature, i learned that from my past experiences. I will not stop experimenting on everything because of what happened and because of my willingness to learn. Lastly, I will begin saving money for independence from money matters. Overcoming shyness includes class participation, looking for people to hang out with, and doing stuff out of comfort zones. I will improve my study habits by creating a detailed schedule to prioritize assignments with time for breaks. Such experience in the past made me re...