My Year of Self-Improvement

 This year, my "New Year, New Me" is a complete shift in priorities. I am tired of letting shyness deny me opportunities, and poor time management has been a constant challenge in my academic progress. This is the year where everything is supposed to change for me, and I will continue working on not being shy anymore and working on getting better study habits and taking more calculated risks to reap rewards. I will going to stop helping those people who take advantage of my good nature, i learned that from my past experiences. I will not stop experimenting on everything because of what happened and because of my willingness to learn. Lastly, I will begin saving money for independence from money matters.

 Overcoming shyness includes class participation, looking for people to hang out with, and doing stuff out of comfort zones. I will improve my study habits by creating a detailed schedule to prioritize assignments with time for breaks. Such experience in the past made me realize the need to stop giving my time and energy to people who take advantage of me. Saving money involves budgeting, cutting down on unnecessary expenses; this is the most crucial if I want to achieve my goals in the future or get something if there are expenses at school. I am determined to learn more skills and welcome new challenges during this year too.

It is a matter of building a safer, more confident future. Silencing my shyness, managing my time much better, taking calculated risks, setting boundaries, saving money, and learning new things all go into crafting a stronger, more independent, and resilient me. This is the road to self-improvement, and I am so ready to see the outcome 


  1. Wonderful! As a shy person too, I was inspired by your braveness of trying to overcome your shyness!


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